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Extra-Curricular Clubs

Please see below our after extra -curricular clubs and activities to help our children develop a range of interest and hobbies.

  • Clubs are available to Year 1 and Year 2;
  • One club place per child;
  • Clubs are updated each half-term;
  • Clubs will always start the second week of each half term;
  • All clubs will run until 4:10 p.m.

At the end of each term, we will send out a form (through ParentMail) so you can choose the club for the next term.  Please speak to your child and select the club by returning a completed ParentMail.

Please note that we will not be able to accept late requests after the deadline.


Super Spelling Club - will be a fun and interactive way of helping children to learn to spell. We will spell short consonant, vowel, consonant (CVC) words; words containing digraphs and red words. Children will use a variety of learning strategies to help them to be resilient when learning their spellings.

Jigsaw Club - will give children the opportunity to solve a variety of different jigsaw puzzles. There will be a range of topics from everyday objects to children’s favourite cartoon characters. Children will also learn how to piece a jigsaw puzzle together and the process behind completing a jigsaw puzzle. They will have the opportunity to develop their team building skills as children will be working in groups to problem-solve. By the end of the term, children would have completed a range of different jigsaw puzzles by working together as a team.

Singing Club - though singing a variety of songs, both accompanied and unaccompanied, children will learn to  chant short phrases together, find their singing voice and begin to develop a sense of pitch over a small range of notes. They will learn to start and stop together and make changes in their voices to express different feelings.

Creative Writing - children will be using a range of stimuluses to spark their imagination to develop their creative writing skills.


Games Club - from Uno to Operation, Draughts to Connect Four, it's games, games and more games this Spring. This will be a brilliant opportunity to make new friends, build confidence and social skills but above all, have fun! Children will have a brilliant time but will also learn resilience, turn taking and winning and losing with grace along the way. 

Reading Club - will be sharing lots of lovely stories. Children will have fun learning about different characters and settings, reading books by different authors and even going on pretend adventures inspired by the books! Children also get the chance to explore the library and all the wonderful books we have in school.

Gardening Club - is a newly formed club that supports gardening both indoors and outdoors. Some of the activities we undertake are: setting our gardening club rules - especially keeping safe; surveying our school grounds to find out what areas could be improved on and how; knowing what to plant and when; enhancing our environment - through art and planting; planting seeds and bulbs; working with the kitchen to understand growing food and how it ends up as our lunch and making our gardening bird and bee friendly. 


Art & Crafts Club - is an extremely popular club were children can unleash their creativity and make a variety of items including origami envelopes and mini sticker wallets. This half-term we will be using the season of 'Spring 'as our inspiration. We will be painting, drawing and constructing.

Computing Club - will play games through the 'Busy Things' app which enhance our class learning. We always start the session discussing internet safety and how to keep ourselves safe when online. In some of our maths games we are competing with hundreds of other schools! We are rising up the racks of the leaderboard !